House Spider (Google) |
I was well notified that my Dublin trip would involve me sharing an abode. I have a lovely roomate and a new found friend. What I did not expect was another friend who's rather shy. He or she can always be found in one of three places, but for us, never on the floor. Though I speak to Henry sometimes, he never responds, but that is because human is not quite his tongue... Henry has many legs that have many strands of hair, which grant him (hopefully not a she) the capability to go anywhere. He hangs about in three crevices on the walls; either above the cushioned chairs, above the cabinet over the sink, or now his new favorite place, the corner above the pantry. The position he hangs in only changes slightly. Either it is the direction he is sprawled, or the centimeters off from his last exact spot. He is too far up to properly view or take a picture of even with the extra height of a chair. From what I could see, he or she is brown with bent little needles to clutch the corners, maybe with a mix of black. Henry is no bigger than the 2 euro coin. As google leads me to believe he/she may be a house spider that can be poisonous. Or the Brown Recluse which would suck... Hopefully, either way I'm wrong. For now that does not matter, for Henry seems content with staying away from us. Hopefully not dutifully guarding eggs or some sort. As an arachnophobic I don't think I could handle thousands of mini-Henries.
Sleepy Trinny |
My second curious friend, who disagrees that we are friends at all, likes to avoid me. He, has two gleaming eyes, softly padded little feet, and and cute puffy cheeks. My new friend is
Trinny, the college's pet. He was found neglected and taken in by John McLean, who regularly visited the school for
cricket. Soon after, a few people helped build his little house hidden between the bushes on our way to class. I tip-toed quieter than a mouse, avoiding all the leaves to capture the sleeping ball of fur. I turned off my camera and bid my furry friend pleasant dreams and exited the space silently.
While typing blogs and a paper, I created a poem. All I can say is that I was driven. Driven to write about three men I did not know or even converse with. Three stylish men in spiffy suits walking through Trinity with unplifting confidence. It reminded me of the
"Masters of Style" commercial, because the three men I saw walked with swagger. And the words "Three Businessmen" sounded Gold. This poem helped me get in the mood to write. I did not plan the ending, I just wanted it to rhyme.
The Three Businessmen
The Businessmen (Google) |
Three Businessmen take a light stroll,
Three Businessmen encounter a
Two Businessmen quite sadly
Two Businessmen quite greatly
Two Businessmen stay a night,
In a village with only one light,
The sun showed its face to make
it day,
And Eyed the town where Two Businessmen
One Businessman was left alone,
One Businessman no longer had
One Businessman travelled further
One Businessman desperate to pass
the Hill,
The creatures chased him down the
The creatures chased him without an
One Businessman used all his
One Businessman fought to flight,
Nothing was left within the wake,
Of hungry creatures with bellies to slake,
Three Businessmen together again,
Three Businessmen punished for
great sin,
Three Businessmen prepared their
Three Businessmen who would never
You are not the only one who has been enchanted by the story and the presence of the Trinity cat. It is definitly feral, though. Your other companion, Henry, seems charming. Noticing things like Henry shows that you are observant. Where did the song of the Three Businessmen come from?
ReplyDeleteOk I'll stay away from Trinny then. I just saw three guys walking with real confidence and thought a poem about three businessmen would be cool. And I also thought about the poem "And Then There were None" where all the Indian boys disappeared one by one, and liked how they slowly they were all picked off. For this poem I wanted to rhyme and start out with the men walking somewhere, and the first word that came to mind with stroll was troll. I then felt that the rhyme scheme should be: aa, bb, cc, dd, ee, and so on... But the story was improv and as I got through it I thought it best to unite the men once more in the afterlife be it heaven or hell.