Friends can be wonderful people to find, but not all friends are. I happen to discover a friend who thought it nice to politely hang in one of the corners of the walls in my Trinity dorm. "Henry" likes to appear in three different spaces, but one day he or she decided a certain corner above the pantry would make a good permanent home. "Why the permanent settlement?" I wondered as I eyed the little spider clutched in the corner above the pantry. Little did I know, I would get my answer in two days. Around noon, I entered the kitchen got my ceramic plate to warm up my British roasted chicken breast and wanted to see what my little friend was up to. For the first time in three weeks, Henry crawled towards me. Something was obviously wrong, for I have previously approached Henry before; even to the degree of scooting a chair closer to the pantry and climbing up to get a better view of my dear friend. But even then he or she never moved. Yet closer and closer, she or he crept down from the corner, slowly and gracefully. I in turn, retreated immediately and swiftly. Henry stopped, and there he/she stayed; for thirty minutes to be roughly precise. In those thirty minutes, I shifted my eyes northeast from Henry to "her" usual spot. There lie a tan-colored bundle of joys, waiting patiently for the day they too could crawl about. As those thirty minutes came to a close, "Henrietta," gradually made her way back to her precious sack and hid all evidence of there being one in the first place. Henrietta, or Momma, is quite clever and cunning; seeking the safest place for her babies to hatch. Her little corner is roughly fifteen feet across from another conner and is defended by the top of the tall pantry. Contrastingly, all other corners are wide and open, with no other defenses but the walls that form them; quite easy for anything to reach her precious darlings. Perhaps her eggs will hatch when we all leave, or maybe before. Only Momma knows for sure. Spider egg sacks roughly take a month or so to hatch, but the process may be sped up with heat. It does seems a little warmer now a days...
Dominique, it is nice that you have kept up with Henry throughout your stay in Ireland. What plans do you have for him/her when you leave? I like the way you include scientific information.