My eyes found the next adventure, the hexagonal rock formation built by the giant Finn MacCool. I figured I'd pay my dues to MacCool and explore his hard work a little further. I battled children and old ladies to the top, slightly more hesitant on the smooth rocks. My shoe had no traction and I found my hands extraordinarily useful in the climb. The view was earth shattering, I felt like I was seeing the Ireland the songs are written about. The grass on the hills excelled a hundred shades of green and the water was both terrifying with its dark blue, crashing waves. The brief desire for cliff diving entered my mind, but I spotted the roped off sections of the cliffs and I knew I wasn't the first. The climb back up to civilization was a sad one, it was difficult to leave behind the natural beauty in favor of the bleak city of Belfast. The sweltering sun wasn't very encouraging, either. As I entered the tour building, I noticed the tiled floor was the same hexagonal pattern as the natural formation I'd just been exploring. I wondered if the designer had used this pattern in other projects, as well.
WE are with you feeling what you are feeling in the post. Good job. However, the ending is flat an sudden...tiles are the last thoughts you leave your reader with?